3 Ways Delegation Can Bring Your Business to the Next Level

3 Ways Delegation Can Bring Your Business to the Next Level

February 15, 20233 min read

Whether you are an entrepreneur or a manager, many people believe that they should do everything if they want something done right. This mentality cannot be farther from the truth. Taking everything upon yourself without delegating anything, especially when you are running a business, can lead to many negative side effects, such as poor time management issues, missed deadlines, and even burnout.

Many bootstrapped business owners also fall into the trap of thinking that they cannot afford to delegate tasks to others because they are trying to keep costs down. In truth, they cannot afford to not delegate. Why? If your time is worth $100/hr or $250/hr, and yet you’re doing tasks that someone else can do at a lower rate of $25/hr to $50/hr, it is pretty clear that you’re losing money instead of saving.

Anthea Turner Quote

Here are some reasons why you should consider delegating certain tasks instead of taking it on all on your own:

1. Increase Overall Productivity

Delegating tasks can free up some of your time for more important “big picture” tasks such as planning and organizing the overall workflow for the following week, month, or even quarter. With such systems and processes in place (and constantly kept up to date), your business will be running like a well-oiled machine.

It is a well-known fact that many people working together is better than one. Delegating not only takes stuff off of your already full plate, but also helps with proper and effective time management. If you were missing deadlines and producing poor quality work, delegating might be the answer to your problems.

2. Promote Creativity and Thinking Outside the Box

Apart from increasing the overall productivity of the business, the benefits of delegating can be seen in the finer details as well. Delegation of tasks to teammates can help to build up morale. They can also be seen as a sign of empowerment as effective delegating show your team members that you have faith in them when you entrust a task to them.

Trust in your teammates may over time translate into personal initiative and creativity in the objectives you have set out for them. What once was a basic task may be returned to you with exceeded expectations and results.

3. Do More of What You Love

While this may sound a little self-serving, there is nothing wrong with delegating tasks that you dislike over to someone else, so you can focus on doing what you prefer. Disdain for a certain type of task not only hinders your productivity, but may also actually bring down your overall motivation to do work. Besides, what you hate doing might bring joy to someone else. Delegating these tasks to someone else can help you focus on things that truly matter to you.

After all that is said and done, the truth of the matter is that you are only one person. And there is only so much a person can do before they burn out. While every business seeks to grow bigger than they already are, you or your company will not be able to grow without delegating. The sooner you start delegating, the quicker you will see the results!



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Christelle Fernández

I’m Christelle Fernández, a Business Systems Strategist for Womenpreneurs.. I geek out on Systems and I help Womenpreneurs in online service-based industries get rid of chaos and overwhelm by leveling up their systems through automation and streamlining, as well as operational strategic consulting. As my mission, I want nothing more than for you to grow and scale a sustainable business. Throughout the years, I’ve helped many small businesses and entrepreneurs surpass their revenue goals by ensuring they have a solid foundation of systems to grow upon. Helping you become a successful, thriving business owner, would mean I’m living out my own vision.

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