1:1 Operational Consulting

*minimum 3 month commitment

Scaling Operations Consulting for High-Growing Businesses

Ready to scale your thriving business? Let's ensure your operations can support rapid growth.

As your personal operations consultant and systems strategist, I’ll elevate your enterprise with customized solutions.

My 1:1 consulting is designed for established visionary CEOs seeking to:

  • build smooth-running systems and workflows from scratch

  • expand capacity as you rapidly scale

  • Upgrade processes and workflows across departments

  • Maintain brand excellence amid scaling

We'll conduct in-depth assessments to pinpoint your biggest friction points and opportunities. Then, we'll craft roadmaps, select the right tools, and implement solutions designed specifically for you.

I'll be your sounding board, ops expert, and forward-thinking collaborator committed to revolutionizing your business from the inside out.

If you're ready to put your foot down on the accelerator, contact me. It's time to build innovative frameworks that support your vision and next-level expansion.

3 Months of Support

  • 90min Kickoff Immersion Session

  • 1:1 Consulting Support

  • Two - 45min Operational Strategy Sessions per month (except 1st month)

  • One - 45min Quarterly audit & planning session

  • 4 to 6 Hours per Month of System Optimization*

  • Process Documentation (SOPs)

  • Unlimited Slack Support on private channel

  • Access to all DIY templates & workbooks

$3550 in Full or $1250/mon

*Does not include System Buildouts & Implementation

6 Months of Support

  • 90 min Kickoff Immersion Session

  • 1:1 Consulting Support

  • Two - 45min Operational Strategy Sessions per month (except 1st month)

  • One - 45min Quarterly audit & planning session

  • 4 to 6 Hours per Month of System Optimization*

  • Process Documentation (SOPs)

  • Unlimited Slack Support on private channel

  • Access to all DIY templates & workbooks

$6600 in Full or $1175/mon

*Does not include System Buildouts & Implementation

12 Months of Support

  • 90min Kickoff Immersion Session

  • 1:1 Consulting Support

  • Two - 45min Operational Strategy Sessions per month (except 1st month)

  • One - 45min Quarterly audit & planning session

  • 4 to 6 Hours per Month of System Optimization*

  • Process Documentation (SOPs)

  • Unlimited Slack Support on private channel

  • Access to all DIY templates & workbooks

$12000 in Full or $1125/mon

*Does not include System Buildouts & Implementation

About Christelle Fernández

Hey Chica! I'm Christelle Fernández,

a Business Systems & Operatons Strategist for Womenpreneurs.

I geek out on systems and I work with women service providers to unlock their profitability and transformation by developing premium systems to push through stagnation in their growth. Through documentation, streamlining & automating, I create sustainability for their business, allowing them to serve high-ticket clients

and work on what they love most.  

My unique methodology journey I lead my clients on:

Strategy > Structure > Scalability > Sustainability > Saleability.  

As a tech agnostic, I make sure you don’t end up with platforms & tools that don’t work for how you do business, or an incomplete process map. In short, I take care of your systems so you have more time to take care of your clients,

and most importantly, yourself.

Christelle Fernández, Success & Empowerment LLC © 2023 All Rights Reserved

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