Strategy | Structure | Scalability | Sustainability | Saleability

Get Your Business Operations Streamlined with System Buildouts and CRM Optimization,
Enhanced with AI Automations.

We build efficient workflows, automations, email templates, and more, leveraging the power of AI to streamline your business operations.

Reduce tedious tasks and inconsistencies holding you back. In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead means embracing AI-driven automations to stay competitive and efficient. We're here to make sure you don't fall behind.

A System Accelerator helps when...

  • business processess feel fragmented and overwhelming

  • you're managing on the fly without consistency

  • passion for your business is waning

  • too much time spent outside your genius zone

We design customized systems, enriched with AI capabilities, to enhance client experience and empower you to scale smoothly.

With streamlined workflows and automation powering your CRM or new system buildout, you can:

  • regain focus on high-impact work

  • delight clients with structured processes in their platinum client experience

  • revitalize passion and purpose

  • grow your business with scalable infrastructure

System Accelerator Plans

Optimize Your Current Systems

If you already have a CRM in place, but know you’re not using it to its full potential…

What’s Included…

  • 90min Strategy Session to determine your goals and priorities

  • Assessment of how you’re currently using your CRM

  • Contacts cleanup

  • Sales pipeline streamlining

  • Integrations review

  • Creating or optimizing a current client onboarding workflow

  • Creating or optimizing a current client offboarding workflow

  • Creating or optimizing a current single admin workflow

  • Campaign analysis (up to 2)

  • Optimize marketing automation of 1 campaign

  • Slack support during project and for 4 weeks after

Investment: Starting at $2500

Implement New Systems

System Build Outs

If you’re needing a full custom buildout of a CRM…

What’s Included…

  • 2 hour strategy session to determine your goals and priorities

  • Operations Audit

  • Workflow mapping

  • 1 Operational System Buildout with Integrations

  • 2 Smart lists for email marketing

  • Custom training videos

  • List of SOPs needed, along with sample templates

  • Slack support during project and for 4 weeks after

  • Includes: One (1) FREE Revision

Investment: Starting at $3500

*Optional Services Available for Clients: starter sites, landing pages, funnels, etc

Please inquire if you’re needing a custom buildout of 2 operational systems.

*all branding materials, color hex #s, content, copy and graphics to be provided by Client for any option above

About Christelle Fernández

Hey Chica! I'm Christelle Fernández,

a Business Systems & Operatons Strategist for Womenpreneurs.

I'm a Latina Systems Geek working with women service providers to unlock their profitability and transformation by developing premium systems to push through stagnation in their growth. Through documentation, streamlining & automating, I create sustainability for their business, allowing them to serve high-ticket clients

and work on what they love most.  

My unique methodology journey I lead my clients on:

Strategy > Structure > Scalability > Sustainability > Saleability.  

As a tech agnostic, I make sure you don’t end up with platforms & tools that don’t work for how you do business, or an incomplete process map. In short, I take care of your systems so you have more time to take care of your clients,

and most importantly, yourself.

Christelle Fernández, Success & Empowerment LLC © 2023 All Rights Reserved

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