I’M Christelle fernÁndez

Systems & Operations Strategist

Systems allow you to...

Focus on your Zone of Genius and strategic planning & initiatives

Save time and energy and reduce stress

Unlock opportunities, growth & profitability

Increased efficiency & productivity

Push through revenue plateaus and scale your business

Ready to invest in yourself & hit that next growth Milestone?

Strategy Sessions

The perfect way to get clarity on the right systems to implement for streamlining operations, saving time, and reaching your goals faster.

System Audits

Get your business processes and tech stack aligned with a Systems Audit. We pinpoint friction points and areas for improvement.

A roadmap to streamline your day

to day operations.

System Accelerators

Get Your Business Operations Streamlined with System Buildouts & CRM Optimization, enhanced with advanced AI tech.
Customized systems to empower you to scale smoothly.

Operational Consulting

Designed for established visionary CEOs. Let's ensure your operations can support rapid growth. A partnership to revolutionizing your business from the inside out.

FAQs - Some Questions You May Have:

Q: What is a Systems & Operations Strategist?

A:  We transform businesses into a sustainable brand with simplified day to day operations. When most businesses struggle to reach the growth they projected or envisioned, it tends to be because of their operations and they don’t even realize it.

We focus on strategy first & as a tech agnostic, I take a customized approach to identify, implement a& consistently optimize the right systems & platforms based on what you’re needing & how you work best, not the other way around. 

You gain clarity, efficiency & the space to keep doing the work you love, serving the clients you love, & scaling your business on your terms.

Q: Can I hire you as my Operations Manager?

A: I’m more of a Consultant, guiding you and your internal operations manager. If you need help setting up a role for an operations manager, we can definitely help with that and continue to support your business.

Q: What do you mean you’re Tech Agnostic?

A: If you're not sure what a tech agnostic is, it just means I easily learn platforms like CRMs or for Project Management. We'll can help you whether you're needing something that's industry based or compliant,as well as a more broad based platform if that's what you want & need. We don't work with just 1 platform because it's popular or being pushed on the internet streets.

Q: Do you set up the same systems for all your clients?

A: We’ll build Systems that YOU need, because we all think differently. When working with me, I take into consideration how your learn, your work style, lifestyle, goals, industry and what stage you are in your business.

Q: Why do I have to have processes and document everything?

A: A business cannot function with out processes in place, and a business cannot scale without documenting those processes in SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures).SOPs are essential for improving quality, reducing risk, and making sure operations are done safely, effectively and consistently across an organization. They provide guidance and standardization.

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